Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI)

Student Report

Daphne Crawford


School #: 80081

Student Key: Cr32CN3D


The graph below interprets your responses to the LASSI. The numbers on the left-hand side of the chart show percentile ranks. You can use these percentile ranks to compare your scores to other individuals’ scores. For example, if you scored in the 80th percentile in Attitude (ATT), you scored higher than 80 percent of other individuals answering the same questions.

As you work to improve your scores, your advisor/instructor may want you to take this assessment again. If you do take it a second time, you will need your student key. Your student key is Cr32CN3D.

LASSI Scores
How Scoring Works
75 - 99 If you scored above the 75th percentile on any of the ten LASSI scales, you probably do not have to give a high priority to improving your strategies in those areas.
50 - 75 If you scored between the 75th and the 50th percentiles on any of the ten scales, you should consider improving your strategies for those scales.
1 - 50 If you scored below the 50th percentile on any of the ten scales, you need to improve your skills to avoid serious problems succeeding in college.
Interpreting Your LASSI Scores
Anxiety (ANX)
Percentile Score: 15
Sample Item: When I am studying, worrying about doing poorly in a course interferes with my concentration.

Your ANX score indicates that anxiety is likely to interfere with your academic success. In other words, you seem to worry about school performance to a degree that directs your attention away from academic tasks. You can overcome this difficulty by learning techniques for coping with anxiety and, with practice, developing skills for lowering it.

Attitude (ATT)
Percentile Score: 65
Sample Item: I have a positive attitude about attending my classes.

Your ATT score indicates that you have questions about the value of a college education. Such thoughts may put you at a disadvantage when competing with other students; they can interfere with getting your work done and succeeding in college. To improve your attitude there are activities and discussions that will help you develop a better understanding of how college relates to your life.

Concentration (CON)
Percentile Score: 90
Sample Item: My mind wanders a lot when I study.

Your CON score indicates few difficulties in maintaining your attention to academic tasks. Momentary pauses in your concentration are normal and do not seriously interrupt your learning. It is likely that you are aware when your concentration is broken and you are able to quickly return to your tasks.

Information Processing (INP)
Percentile Score: 60
Sample Item: I try to find relationships between what I am learning and what I already know.

Your INP score indicates that you sometimes have difficulty applying what you already know to what you are trying to learn. That circumstance may interfere with both acquiring and remembering new information. You would be wise to seek help in skills such as imagery that will build bridges between your past and the present. Retaining new material is easier when you incorporate it with what you already know.

Motivation (MOT)
Percentile Score: 90
Sample Item: When work is difficult, I either give up or study only the easy parts.

Your MOT score indicates that you are usually highly energized when engaged with academic tasks. As a consequence, you are normally diligent, self-disciplined, and willing to exert the time and effort necessary to excel academically. That motivation serves you well on your path to college success.

Selecting Main Ideas (SMI)
Percentile Score: 10
Sample Item: When studying, I seem to get lost in the details and miss the important information.

Your SMI score indicates that you have difficulties identifying important information when you are reading or listening. If you can learn to separate key points from supporting details, learning the material will be much easier. There are many people you can approach for help and you are urged to seek such assistance.

Self Testing (SFT)
Percentile Score: 55
Sample Item: I stop periodically while reading and mentally go over or review what was said.

Your SFT score indicates that you may not always practice this technique. An essential part of learning is a consistent review of material; this is normally accomplished by answering questions that monitor your grasp of what has been learned or not learned. Gaps in your knowledge are discovered by self-testing. Results guide your study to fill those gaps.

Test Strategies (TST)
Percentile Score: 50
Sample Item: In taking tests, writing papers, etc., I find I have misunderstood what is wanted and lose points because of it.

Your TST score indicates a need for improving the process used to prepare for a test. Adequately learning the material is one aspect for improvement, but knowing the type of test that will be given is another. In either situation, your test results will improve if you seek assistance from someone that can analyze your test preparation and suggest ways to improve it.

Time Management (TMT)
Percentile Score: 45
Sample Item: I set aside more time to study the subjects that are difficult for me.

Your TMT score indicates that an unacceptable portion of your time is devoted to tasks that are academically unproductive. Perhaps you have other responsibilities. Maybe you procrastinate. In either case, you need a schedule each week that details all academic responsibilities and assigns times to reasonably complete them. Then you must rigorously follow that schedule. It will help to post your schedule above your desk and refer to it often. You may also need to enlist help from others to abide by your schedule.

Using Academic Resources (UAR)
Percentile Score: 15
Sample Item: I am not comfortable asking for help from instructors in my courses.

Your UAR score indicates that you may not be taking advantage of people and programs that are available to assist in your academic success. Perhaps you are unaware of their existence. Maybe you are reluctant to seek help. Hopefully, some past experience has not led you to reject those services. Whatever the reason, you are urged to increase your use of such services and make contacts that may prove to be of great value when you encounter academic difficulties.